General Election 2024 Left Politics Neil Anderson Political Philosophy Scotland Scottish Greens Trade Unions Ungagged Interviews with Neil Anderson Ungagged Team

“We’ve got to the end of the road with the cuts” Glasgow SGP Cllr Dan Hutchison – Interview with Neil Anderson

“if we can reverse it, we’ll reverse it immediately but someone who can raise money needs to cough up some cash. UK or Scottish govt, I frankly don’t care but it needs to be one of them”. Dan Hutchinson talking about the cuts to the Education budget in Glasgow.  Neil talked to Glasgow City […]

Education Equality & Inclusion Graham Campbell History Left Politics Local Elections Neil Anderson Scotland Scottish Independence Ungagged Interviews with Neil Anderson

Interview with Glasgow City Councillor Graham Campbell August 2022

Neil Anderson interviews long time Ungagged contributor Graham Campbell. Topics range from the newly elected Glasgow City Council inc’ convenorship of Education committee, slavery reparations and Indyref 2.

Brexit Climate & Environment Equality & Inclusion European Union Neil Anderson Scottish Independence Trans Rights Ungagged Bands Ungagged Interviews with Neil Anderson

Interview with Glasgow City Councillors – Pt 1 – Elaine Gallagher – SGP

Interview by Neil Anderson. Part 1 of 3 with GCC Councillors. This first one with Scottish Green Party Councillor Elaine Gallagher. With two music tracks. Firstly – The Wakes – The Battle of George Square and part way through Voxken – Crystal Eyes.