Elections General Election 2024 Labour Left Politics Neoliberalism Prick Knobinson Satire Tory Party Ungagged Writing Westminster

The Candidate

by Prick Knobinson Scandals nowadays are boring. I mean, in the good old days, Labour Party scandals were all about receiving brown envelopes. Tories were also using brown envelopes, but pushing them in the other direction in order to cover up some perversion with a Soviet spy or some Lord Fondleboy in a punt. I’ve […]

Corruption Democracy Human Rights Labour Middle East Palestine SNP Tory Party Ungagged Writing Williw Millers Moustache

Hoyle’s Hubris and the Hackery of the Britpol Old Firm…

Did you hear about the 3 wells? Well, well, well. I do apologise, that is objectively the worst joke in my otherwise exceptional collection, if not indeed the English speaking world. Thank you Granny Moustache, it was one of her two favourites. But it is apposite for objectively the worst and most pish boiling week […]

Allan Grogan Campaigns Democracy Left Politics Scottish Independence Ungagged Team Ungagged Writing

Scottish Leadership Debates? You’ve forced me to comment…

By Labour for Independence co-founder Allan Grogan. Maybe it was the first leadership debate of the Scottish Elections, or maybe it was re-watching Borgen, as lockdown continues to allow me to tick off every box set on Netflix. Whatever it was, something compelled me to write about politics in this country for the first time […]

Black Lives Matter Brexit Climate & Environment Conspiracy Theories Coronavirus Democracy European Union Left Politics Scotland Scottish Independence Ungagged Writing Westminster

Starmer’s Austerity Brexit

The new Labourite spin is that their own spectacular failure to oppose the inevitable Tory Hard Brexit deal is that the SNP is supporting a ‘no deal Brexit’. This is an absurdity that ought not to require comment, but given the witting and unwitting stupidity that abounds, here’s what’s really happening: Labour are now supporting […]

Brexit Climate & Environment Democracy Education Elections Fascism Feminism George Collins Book Club Health Immigration Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Northern Ireland Political Philosophy Politics of Music Racism Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Christmas Borders…

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean The UK Christmas Election is highlighting how awful the binary sloganeering of the right really is – and how much the power of the Billionaire owned press and media still is killing democracy. Let this be your antidote.   Help us continue to podcast, publish and campaign… a few quid keeps […]

Brexit Fascism Left Politics Racism Scottish Independence

Gleichschaltung – or, “How the Left Helped Unite the Racists.”

During the forced Westminster closure, the fascists, the far right populist and various idiots will be supporting their leaders as they  plan the next phase of Gleichschaltung. The right hate each other, every bit as much as they hate sharing this world with other h man beings. But, they will support each other and support […]

image of Boris Johnson
Brexit Democracy Scottish Independence

As Boris Johnson aims to ‘suspend’ Parliament, lets assess the Twitter damage of this ‘very British coup’

On 28 August, the Prime Minister (PM) of the UK Boris Johnson dropped a bombshell. As reported by the BBC, Johnson has asked the Queen to suspend Parliament “just days” after MPs return to work from the summer recess. The plan comes only several weeks before the Brexit deadline of 31 October. But this prorogation of […]

Brexit Left Politics Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Is UK Democracy about false promises… or promises fulfilled?

The argument for multiple referenda; “Democracy is not just an election, it is our daily life.” Tsai Ing-wen The political landscape has never been vaguer or indeed more frightening on this island. Watch the latest edition of Question Time to hear the audience boo comments suggesting that a mild mannered, pro equality gardener with a […]