I just woke up this morning to this article. My friend Richie Venton, a superb union representative for the union USDAW, and IKEA worker, has been sacked.
During lockdown, I phoned Richie about an issue a family member was going through in her work. He didn’t have to give me advice – Richie was representing hundreds of Scottish workers worried during the Covid-19 crisis, and was up to his neck in casework. But not only did he give me advice, he called me back later, with more advice… All of which was helpful.
Richie and I once shared a political party. The fact I am no longer in that party, really is of no consequence to him. He sees a friend in need, and helps.
This is the mark of a principled socialist.
That’s who Richie is. He is a man whose life has been given over to helping working class people, through union work and through his politics. He bloody well cares. And that drives him.
Ikea have sacked him to push him out of the way, so they can basically do what they want to the workforce in Glasgow (and beyond; Ritchie is an USDAW area Rep).
Many of you know Richie through his support he has given you in your community, and during industrial disputes etc. He was a driving force in trying to save Glasgow schools during New Labour’s decimation of schools in Glasgow, and has stood with striking Fire Officers, Nursery Nurses, Teachers, Dockers, Post Office Staff, NHS workers, amongst others.
Its time to help Richie and the workers he represents.
Contact Ikea. Tell them why you won’t be shopping with them. Tell them how disgusted you are at the sackings there, and the cynical removal if a man who cares for and represents his fellow, and others, night and day.
Contact Ikea via their website.
Their Facebook
Contact via twitter: @IKEAUK
Sign the petition: https://reinstaterichieventon.com/
Share this article, or create your own in support of Richie and the Ikea Glasgow workers, who have been targeted during this pandemic.
Corporations using the covid-19 crisis as an excuse to de-unionise and smash workers rights should be stopped.
And write to your MSP/MP or councillor if you live in Glasgow
Reinstate him
I will no longer shop at IKEA in support of Richie venton