Brexit Campaigns Climate & Environment Coronavirus Democracy Economy & Finance Scotland Scottish Independence

What will the Post-Covid Independence Movement Look Like?

“Scottish independence is a progressive movement, not an apology nor a distraction” Movements don’t stand still. It’s in the name. It will undoubtedly be some time before we see massive shoulder to shoulder AOUB marches and rallies, saltires flying in the wind, or even drooping in the rain. Many will rejoice at that thought, but […]

Coronavirus Economy & Finance European Union George Collins Scottish Independence

Grounds for Divorce: The European Union After COVID 19

Indian novelist and activist Arundhati Roy penned an article in the Financial Times last week on the global effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Many writers have offered ideas on this topic, but Roy’s stood out as some of the most prescient speculation on the new groove of a post-COVID world: “Our minds are still racing […]

Coronavirus Democracy NHS Scottish Independence SNP

SNP Socialists statement on Covid 19

As socialists in the mass party for Scottish independence, we call on all working-class people and socialists to acknowledge, oppose and resist the UK government’s dangerously inadequate response to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. We also call upon the Scottish government itself to be more willing to challenge UK government strategy, asserting an appropriate independence in […]

Coronavirus Equality & Inclusion International Left Politics Media Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence

Citizens prove that Scotland is a Left Wing Nation

A look at the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland provides us with the hope and the proof that Scotland desires change, and that we can and must come out of this crisis with a decisive move to the economic left. Over the past few weeks we have seen the very worst and the very best of […]

Brazil Campaigns Democracy Education George Collins Book Club History Left Politics Neil Scott Scottish Independence Ungagged Podcasts

Ordinary Heroes

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean Or Stream via our player, here:   In this episode Neil Scott talks about his fears during the Northern Irish Troubles, Nathália Urban reviews an extraordinary book by The SNP founder on Brazil, Debra Torrance dares not mention Coronavirus and Richie Venton talks about the recent decision (overturned) by Glasgow City Council […]

Brexit Campaigns Democracy Scotland Scottish Independence

Open Letter to an Undecided Voter

UNDECIDED ABOUT SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE? Here is a summary of issues, and references about the prospect of an independent Scotland. This applies to anyone who accepts that people living in Scotland have the democratic right to self-determination. Broadly speaking, areas of concern tend to centre around Identity, Politics and Economy. IDENTITY If you are undecided, maybe […]

Campaigns Climate & Environment Corruption Democracy Fascism Feminism Human Rights Left Politics Politics of Music Scottish Independence Ungagged Podcasts

Dinnae be Anyone’s Mug… plus Music

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean Or Stream via our player, here: A music theme this month… We promise there is no Morrissey anywhere near this episode… Please contact us with your ideas, praise and criticism… @_ungagged on the Twitter, and

Democracy History Monarchy Privilege Racism Scottish Independence

Harry and Meghan – the Venous Cannula into the Putrid Corpse of the Monarchy

My body has become addicted to the St Mary’s Hospital A&E, and the Rehabilitation ward. The amount of lumps poked, prodded and cut from my body could be shaped and animated and actually be one of the septic bastards making up the newly returned Tory Government. Thanks to Ungagged, as I lie here with a […]