Climate & Environment Economy & Finance Fascism Left Politics Luke Ray Di Marco Campbell Media Political Philosophy Poverty Trade Unions Ungagged Team Ungagged Writing

Five Radical Books Coming in Early 2023 by Luke Ray Di Marco Campbell

As we close out a year in which many incredible texts were published, this brief article notes a few examples of what’s to come in the New Year. Taken from a range of publishers, each listing is considered in terms of what new insights, understandings and inspirations these new contributions might bring to the left […]

Health Mental Health NHS Poverty Val Waldron

‘Take A Drink’ A review of Darren Loki McGarvey’s Addiction series. part 1 Alcohol by Val Waldron

A review of Darren Loki McGarvey’s Addiction series Part 1 Alcohol ‘Take A Drink’ ‘Take A Drink’ the encapsulation in three familiar words our shared history that runs through Scotland’s relationship with alcohol. We’re hooked immediately by the series introduction, which promises a broad spectrum look at addiction; food, drugs, gambling and alcohol. Somewhere along […]

Equality & Inclusion Health Human Rights Political Philosophy Poverty

Scotland’s reached its Poverty Tip Point

As a front line charity worker, never have I seen such destitution and poverty as I have just now; this is significantly impacting on Scotland’s future: our children. Poverty has run through generations of Scottish families and has now reached tipping point. At a time of global crisis, both politically and economically, I can look closer to home and see the effects of the situation on my own doorstep. TV ad’s from charities encouraging support to the third world have always […]

Coronavirus Equality & Inclusion George Collins Health Poverty USA Worldbeat

An Entrepreneur in Scrubs: Myles Parilla on WorldBeat (1/3)

Part 2 HERE Part 3 HERE Almost two years into the COVID-19 pandemic and Americans can’t seem to catch a break as new variants emerge and policy debates over lockdowns, school closures, and vaccine mandates dominate coverage. It’s pretty daunting for folks on the outside as we struggle to keep up with the breakneck pace […]

George Collins Neil Scott Neil Scott Poverty Privilege Racism Scotland Scottish Independence Ungagged Podcasts USA Worldbeat

Ungagged Presents Worldbeat with George Collins. George interviews Ungagged founder, Neil Scott – Part 2

Ungagged presents the second part of Worldbeat with George Collins’ interview with Ungagged founder Neil Scott.  Neil speaks of the Independence Referendum of 2011-2014, what happened subsequently to what is now known as the “Yes Movement,” and what comes next… Part 1 HERE

Brexit Climate & Environment Conspiracy Theories Coronavirus Corruption Democracy Equality & Inclusion Fascism Feminism Holyrood Election 2021 Human Rights Immigration Left Politics Media Politics of Hate Poverty Privilege Racism Scotland Scottish Independence Tory Party Trans Rights Val Waldron

A Snapshot of 2021 by Val Waldron

‘Alexa give me a snapshot of 2021 without mentioning Covid’  Can I help? All of the events below were of course shot through with Covid, antivaxxers, restrictions, opposition and media undermining of the Scottish Government health message, oh, and big shouty businesses. It didn’t stop the world from turning though! In Search of Q We […]

Black Lives Matter Coronavirus Equality & Inclusion Feminism George Collins Health Human Rights Poverty Racism USA Worldbeat

George Collins Worldbeat…. Dr. Nancy Anderson – “Am A Black Woman Who Watched My Father Die From An Inadequate and Racist Healthcare System”

“COVID-19 rocked the world in a way few other events could. International structures long taken for granted crumbled as nation states struggled to confront this novel virus and the chaos it brought. Everything from supply chains to migration policy to the reliability of scientific institutions came under fire, but no sector has taken more blows […]