Climate & Environment Connor Beaton Corruption David McClemont Economy & Finance General Election 2024 Holyrude Labour Left Politics Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence SNP Tory Party

Holyrude Ungagged Season 7 Episode 3 “Where Does Contra Come From?”

David and Connor discuss; – New Scottish Cabinet – Is Uk Labour undermining Scottish Labour? – Nefarious Tory plans for Scotland – English Water Contaminated by parasites! Music: James King and the Lone Wolves.

Democracy General Election 2024 Graham Campbell Housing Janis and Graham Ungagged Janis Wilson Left Politics Poverty Privilege Scotland Scottish Independence SNP Tory Party Ungagged Podcasts

Janis and Graham Ungagged! Ep 3 “Extremists…”

On – Richie Sunak’s “Extremist” comments regarding the Scottish Electorate, – the imminence of new Scottish nuke power stations -according to Alister Jack – under an imagined ”return of a unionist regime,” and what this statement says about British politics… – Why Andy Burnham WANTS what we have. – The gradualism of Swinney – and […]

Feminism Graham Campbell Janis and Graham Ungagged Janis Wilson Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Palestine Scotland Scottish Independence SNP Trans Rights

Janis and Graham Ungagged! Episode 2

On the new Scottish cabinet and their changing priorities.  Does this new Cabinet unite the SNP coalition for Independence and the Scottish electorate, or will it alienate the majority progressives across Scotland? How far is compromise with centrists too far? Clarity on the SNP stance on the Palestine Genocide as opposed to Starmer and Sarwar’s […]

Culture Wars Democracy Elections Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence SNP Trans Rights Ungagged Writing Willie Millers Moustache Williw Millers Moustache

Jackie Baillie, 5 gallons of chicken gravy and a straw

Willie Miller’s Moustache (Twitter:  @williemillersm1) has a plan to bring the progressive indy movement together… Right you fucking idiots. Everyone who supports independence one straight line in front of me, GO! Turn to your right. Kick that moron up the arse. Turn to your left, boot that pillock too. Now repeat, but with hugs not […]

Campaigns Climate & Environment Corruption Culture Wars Democracy Equality & Inclusion International Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Political Parties Privilege Scottish Greens Scottish Independence SNP Social Media Tory Party Val Waldron


When will the penny drop that No-one is entitled to our votes, that we need politicians with an ear to the ground, not the right wing. When I think of the years 2013/14 I think of one of those Penny Pusher machines from amusement arcades, representative of voters and members tumbling like freed coins from […]

David McClemont Debra Torrance Health Holyrude Scottish Greens SNP Tory Party

Holyrude Ungagged Season 7 Episode 1 – “Jeanie, I’m On The Podcast”

This week Host David McClemont (@DavoMc82) is joined by Holyrude O.G. Debra Torrance (@HeathPeaPict) to discuss; – The Potential Ban on Smoking for Anyone Born After 2009 – The (Ahem) Potential End of The Green/SNP Bute House Agreement – The Tory Plan To End Sick Notes – The Believe In Scotland Independence March

Corruption Democracy Human Rights Labour Middle East Palestine SNP Tory Party Ungagged Writing Williw Millers Moustache

Hoyle’s Hubris and the Hackery of the Britpol Old Firm…

Did you hear about the 3 wells? Well, well, well. I do apologise, that is objectively the worst joke in my otherwise exceptional collection, if not indeed the English speaking world. Thank you Granny Moustache, it was one of her two favourites. But it is apposite for objectively the worst and most pish boiling week […]

Australia Equality & Inclusion Neil Scott Racial Justice Racism Ungag the Choons! Ungagged Music

Ungag the Choons – Ep 2 “First People.”

Neil Scott talks about a Australian song from 1987 that helped radicalise him in Troubles torn Northern Ireland. If you want to know more about this song and the oils – please watch Peter Garrett: Midnight Oil frontman on Music & Politics – on youtube    And if its available where you are, look […]