Brexit Climate & Environment Conspiracy Theories Coronavirus Corruption Democracy Equality & Inclusion Fascism Feminism Holyrood Election 2021 Human Rights Immigration Left Politics Media Politics of Hate Poverty Privilege Racism Scotland Scottish Independence Tory Party Trans Rights Val Waldron

A Snapshot of 2021 by Val Waldron

‘Alexa give me a snapshot of 2021 without mentioning Covid’  Can I help? All of the events below were of course shot through with Covid, antivaxxers, restrictions, opposition and media undermining of the Scottish Government health message, oh, and big shouty businesses. It didn’t stop the world from turning though! In Search of Q We […]

Brian Finlay Corruption David McClemont Debra Torrance Education Holyrude Human Rights Immigration Racism

Holyrude Ungagged Episode 2.9 – “Next Level F**kwittery”

David McClemont (Twitter: @DavoMc82), Debra Torrance (@HeathPeaPict) and Brian Finlay (@WeeSociologist) discuss the latest events in Scottish and UK politics NEWS – Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) under attack from the Far Right – Assisted Dying Bill consultation being discussed in Scottish Parliament – Tories had a party while the nation was in lockdown – […]

Black Lives Matter Coronavirus George Collins Health Human Rights USA Worldbeat

Worldbeat With George Collins Part 4 – “Globalization Isn’t Just, Or Even Primarily, About Materials”

 Globalization is a force that touches all of us. Beyond cheap plastics from China and a diverse range of grub hubs in Columbia City, borders are more permeable than ever. What lessons can we learn about these dynamics as COVID-19’s worst bouts fade into memory? Dr. Anderson wraps up our time together with this […]

Black Lives Matter Education Equality & Inclusion George Collins Human Rights Left Politics Worldbeat

Worldbeat with George Collins – Part Three – Ales from the Continent

Dr. Anderson spent a chunk of her career in many countries abroad, but her time in Mozambique proved to be some of the most impactful of her life. She shares her experience providing medical care in a war-torn country struggling to find its feet after independence and why the betterment of health outcomes for people […]

Black Lives Matter Coronavirus Equality & Inclusion Feminism George Collins Health Human Rights Poverty Racism USA Worldbeat

George Collins Worldbeat…. Dr. Nancy Anderson – “Am A Black Woman Who Watched My Father Die From An Inadequate and Racist Healthcare System”

“COVID-19 rocked the world in a way few other events could. International structures long taken for granted crumbled as nation states struggled to confront this novel virus and the chaos it brought. Everything from supply chains to migration policy to the reliability of scientific institutions came under fire, but no sector has taken more blows […]

Brexit Democracy Equality & Inclusion Feminism Human Rights Media Politics of Hate Poverty Privilege Racism Scotland Scottish Greens Tory Party Trans Rights Val Waldron

Raging Not Hating by Val Waldron

No-one deserves or asks for violent death because someone else thinks you don’t deserve to live. If that were the case there would be a death penalty for women who walk home alone at night or for daring to pack up your family and meagre belongings and set out across the channel in a dinghy […]

Brian Finlay Climate & Environment Corruption David McClemont Debra Torrance Holyrude Left Politics Poverty Racism Scottish Greens Tory Party

Holyrude Episode 13 – White But Woke AF

David (Twitter: @DavoMc82), Debra (@HeathPeaPict) and Brian (@WeeSociologist) discuss the latest events in Scottish and UK politics   NEWS Scotland records highest ever number of drugs deaths for seventh year running Scottish Health Minister reports a nursery to Care Inspectorate over concerns it discriminated against his daughter Queen secretly lobbied Scottish Government for climate law […]

Brexit Campaigns Climate & Environment Equality & Inclusion Holyrood Election 2021 Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Media Poverty Racism Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence Tory Party Trans Rights Val Waldron

What and who will take us over the line?

We need kindness and compassion. Policies and manifestos are important, but we must use our devolved powers, and our courage to reflect our deeper values. We need a written constitution to underwrite them as a new nation when the time comes. An emboldened UK creeps up behind us as polls settle to pre-pandemic levels. A […]