Host David McClemont is joined by Val Waldron, Rachael Horwitz and Neil Anderson. In this live recording discussion is how we have ended up having an election right now and what the Exit Poll results mean for the UK & Scotland.
Tag: Neil Anderson
Gerry Hassan interview with Neil Anderson
Our own @BikerNeil interviews writer, political commentator & academic Gerry Hassan @GerryHassan The tussle between SNP & Labour for Westminster seats in Scotland and the consequences if SNP lose their current “3rd Party” status. The increased MSM coverage of the general election in Scotland compared to previous elections. How have The Reform Party in […]
“We’ve got to the end of the road with the cuts” Glasgow SGP Cllr Dan Hutchison – Interview with Neil Anderson
“if we can reverse it, we’ll reverse it immediately but someone who can raise money needs to cough up some cash. UK or Scottish govt, I frankly don’t care but it needs to be one of them”. Dan Hutchinson talking about the cuts to the Education budget in Glasgow. Neil talked to Glasgow City […]
Holyrude Ungagged – Season 5 – Ep 6 – Baptism of Napalm
Hosted by Neil Anderson @BikerNeil with Kat Cary @Kat_Cary & David McClemont @DavoMc82 This week’s topics; SNP continuing woes, Big News Protests, The tories, The Coronation. Music by The Wakes; Never Again
Interview with Glasgow City Councillor Graham Campbell August 2022
Neil Anderson interviews long time Ungagged contributor Graham Campbell. Topics range from the newly elected Glasgow City Council inc’ convenorship of Education committee, slavery reparations and Indyref 2.
The Luxury Gap
The Ungagged collective talk about the luxury gap – inc. interviews with Mhairi Black MP and Wee Skribbles
Neil Anderson
Neil started in the theatrical world in 1993. In that time he has been involved in most areas of getting performances out to the public. Starting with working backstage with the Minerva Club at the King’s theatre to recording and editing for Ungagged he has been on stage in numerous theatres in every genre you […]