Ceasefire Now! Vies with The Word of ancient scriptures. Brass bands deliver doleful praise to children of the Bleak Midwinter lining both sides of the street, in tatters, swaddled, frost deep, in limp blue quilt. Loose change lands In cups and cans, from guilt or proffered hands that can least afford it. Still […]
Val Waldron
Clackmannanshire is A Shitehole
September 2014 we were full of hope. Last trip to a pre-referendum rally in George square, and Folk, full of enthusiasm and certainty that Yes would take the vote, hugging and shaking hands, politely ushering strangers to the stage for a good view. Then a ripple down my spine, a reminder that this is a […]
What Do We Want, How Do We Want It?
Opinion polls ask the wrong question, in an attempt to grade importance of issues, vying austerity, foreign affairs etc against independence. This approach fails to illustrate that a progressive independent Scotland, with all of our (suddenly recognised and exploited) resources could go some way towards addressing these issues. It’s hard to forego a little nostalgia […]
Holyrude Ungagged – Westminster GE Special
Host David McClemont is joined by Val Waldron, Rachael Horwitz and Neil Anderson. In this live recording discussion is how we have ended up having an election right now and what the Exit Poll results mean for the UK & Scotland.