Black Lives Matter Brexit Campaigns Conspiracy Theories Coronavirus Democracy European Union Health Media Scottish Independence

Hubble Bubble…..

“If you can imagine a debate raging in a bubble, well there are a few of those fragile things floating around back and forth over the border. List parties, George Galloway, English Nationalism, raving mad back-benchers with a penchant for Covid scepticism, the Withdrawal Act and other hideously cataclysmic Brexit related futures to name but […]

Brexit Climate & Environment Conspiracy Theories Coronavirus Corruption Democracy Economy & Finance Fascism Health Human Rights Media Scotland Scottish Independence

This Is Not Over

There’s another layer above the real and fantasised darkness, and it’s a good one. It involves people working away at the grass roots with and for their community. BBC Radio Scotland’s Kaye Adams lives in a world where it’s fine to introduce her “Rule of 6” call-in with the comment “I know dozens of people […]

Brexit Climate & Environment Coronavirus Democracy Economy & Finance Education Health Media Neoliberalism Scottish Independence Sport

The World Through A Window

There’s a wistfulness in the air. We’re no longer marvelling at clear skies above China and translucent blue canals in Venice. We’re watching from behind the sofa as death rates continue to rise around the globe, and fluctuations occur, leading to second, or even third wave and Lockdown periods, such as in Hong Kong and […]

Campaigns Corruption Democracy Feminism Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Strange Rumblings in Scotland: Blade Runner Strikes Again

Everyone is becoming edgy and kind of toe curlingly, stupidly nervous.  The Tory Party sent their colonial fixer to the house of Carlaw  sometime between the Covid-19 Prime Minister’s visit to Scotland and last night, and Unionism in Scotland, seems to have surrendered.  Adam “Up the Republic… oops… no, up the Union…” Tompkins has waved […]

Brazil China Climate & Environment Coronavirus Crime Fascism Feminism Health Human Rights Media NHS Russia

Isolation Policy Too Late for Some, as Pandemic Warnings were not taken Seriously

The news that an unknown virus which caused breathing and respiratory problems was spreading rapidly in Wuhan at the end of last year caused little alarm at first, and people could be forgiven for paying it no attention. The other news stories of January and February 2020 included the assassination of one of Iran’s leading generals by the US and the horrific Australian bush fires. In the UK, Labour had suffered its worst […]

Coronavirus Equality & Inclusion International Left Politics Media Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence

Citizens prove that Scotland is a Left Wing Nation

A look at the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland provides us with the hope and the proof that Scotland desires change, and that we can and must come out of this crisis with a decisive move to the economic left. Over the past few weeks we have seen the very worst and the very best of […]